Книги редкие

Книга. The book of the Lion

Оттиск. Mimetic forms of Papilio dardanus (merore) and Acrea jonstoni

Книга. A junior course of practical zoology

Книга. Central African game and its spoor

Книга. Дневныя записки путешествия доктора и академии наук адьюнкта Ивана Лепехина по разным провинциям Российскаго государства, 1768 и 1769 году

Книга. Tierleben des deutschen Waldes

Книга. The Fox

Книга. Outlines of Chordate Development

Книга. A Review of the Primates

Книга. Falconry

Книга. The pheasant

Книга. A monograph of the Jacamars and Puff-Birds or families Galbulidae and Bucconidae

Книга. A Hand-List of the genera and species of birds

Книга. The Life of an Elephant

Книга. The book of Antelopes

Книга. Our country's animals and how to know them

Книга. A Hand-Book to the birds of Great Britain

Оттиск. An Address entitled "What is a Species" read before the Entomological Society of London at the Annual Meeting on the 20th January 1904

Книга. Our country's shells and how to know them

Книга. Our rarer birds

Книга. The book of Antelopes

Книга. Life-histories of northern animals

Книга. A Hand-Book to the birds of Great Britain

Книга. Notes on the Natural History of Common British Animals and Some of Their Foreign Relations

Конволют. The Feathered World

Книга. Wild birds at home

Книга. The home-life of the spoonbill, the stork and some herons

Книга. Ferrets and their management

Книга. British Birds

Журнал. Bird-Lore

Книга. Shovelhorns. The Biography of a Moose

Книга. Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum in the years 1901-1905

Книга. A Review of the Primates

Книга. The Bodley Head Natural History

Журнал. Bird-Notes

Книга. A hand-book to the game-birds

Книга. British Dogs at Work

Журнал. Bird-Notes

Книга. Dwellers in the garden

Книга. Farmer Stockbreeder Year Book and Country Gentleman's Almanack for 1914

Книга. Catalogue of the heads and horns of Indianbig game begueathed by A. U. Hume, C. B., to the British Museum (Natural History)

Книга. Terriers, their Points and Management

Журнал. Bird-Lore

Конволют. Report on the Collection of Birds made during the Voyage of the Yacht Marchesa

Книга. Bulletin of the British Ornitologists' Club

Книга. Ocean Birds

Журнал. Bird-Notes

Книга. Wild Animals at Home

Книга. A сatalogue of the Vertebrate fauna of Dumfriesshire

Книга. Dogs and all about them


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